Addressing link between diabetes and eye health

Did you know eye health and diabetes go hand in hand? Because uncontrolled diabetes can lead to vision problems, it is imperative to offer comprehensive eye exams and A1C level testing in one accessible location.

Heart to Heart International’s Community Health program joined forces with The Community Health Council (CHC) of Wyandotte County, Vibrant Health and KC Free Eye Clinic, for an event on July 13 that addressed both vision and diabetes at the CHC of Wyandotte County. The event’s focus was clear: to highlight the essential connection between eye health and diabetes management.

By offering full eye exams alongside A1C level testing, attendees experienced a comprehensive approach to this aspect of their health and well-being. This setup ensured that potential issues were identified early, paving the way for healthier outcomes within the community.

KC Free Eye Clinic conducted full eye exams while HHI’s Community Health team used its portable Point of Care lab equipment to screen community members for diabetes.

The results were telling – a significant 60% of the A1C test results revealed concerns. These individuals were referred to Vibrant Health for crucial follow up care, providing the support they need to manage their diabetes effectively.

Through the eye exams from KC Free Eye Clinic, it was determined that all patients needed corrective eyewear, with either a need for astigmatism correction or bifocal add power. Glasses were ordered, free of charge, and would be ready for the patients in two weeks.

The success of this event highlights the link between eye health and diabetes and the critical need for eye care and diabetes testing in under-resourced communities. HHI’s Community Health program understands the importance of regular check-ups and proactive health practices and is committed to organizing more events like this to make a lasting impact on the lives of many individuals.