Bierut explosion destroys HHI shipment

Our hearts go out to everyone affected by the horrific explosion in Beirut, Lebanon on August 4, 2020. We have been in contact with our partners and relief agencies in Lebanon. The first priority is search and rescue, but we know there will be great needs in the weeks and months to come.

Heart to Heart International had a shipping container of almost 5,000 hygiene kits and children’s clothing that had just recently arrived at the port where the explosion occurred. We have been told that the shipment was destroyed. (EDIT: We have since received word that the shipment was one of a very few undamaged containers.)

At least 220 people have died, more than 5,000 are injured and many remain missing. The hospitals, already dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, were quickly overrun with patients. One hospital was destroyed in the blast and primary health centers and other hospitals were also damaged. We are currently working with our partner Anera to provide any supplies that are needed. We will continue working with Anera and our other partners on the ground to get supplies and humanitarian aid to people in need in Lebanon.

The hygiene kits were assembled by volunteers at our headquarters and at team-building events around the country:

  • Intouch in Kansas City
  • BD Global Procurement in Franklin Lakes, NJ
  • Harcros in Kansas City
  • AT&T in Kansas City
  • Simpleview in Tucson, AZ
  • Sisters of Charity in Leavenworth, KS
  • GSK in Kansas City

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