Delivering Hygiene Kits and Compassion at Southern Border

Heart to Heart International’s Disaster Response Team has been closely monitoring the migrant crisis at the Southern border for months and has been actively engaged and working in coordination with various organizations to offer support and assistance.

Building Partnerships and Fostering Collaboration

HHI’s involvement began with monthly calls as part of the Border Alliance group, which provided essential updates on the situation at the border, sharing vital figures and how various agencies and non-profit organizations like HHI can assist. Through these interactions, we’ve developed relationships with numerous partner organizations operating at the border and across the United States.

The Journey of Asylum Seekers

Asylum seekers arriving in the United States come from diverse corners of the globe and often endure year-long journeys to reach the US/Mexico border. To address their immediate needs, in February 2023, we began shipments of much-needed hygiene kits to partners on the ground in border cities. HHI has sent a total of 41,085 hygiene kits to five different organizations in four different cities in 2023.

Aiding Those in Need

Hygiene kits play a crucial role in providing immediate relief to asylum seekers who often lack access to basic necessities during their arduous journeys. The impact of these kits is evident in the expressions of relief on the faces of those who receive them. For many, their stay in these border cities is temporary, and these hygiene kits boost their confidence as they continue their journey.

Gratitude from Our Partners

Our partners on the ground have expressed their heartfelt appreciation for HHI’s support:

Lorine Villa from The Salvation Army in El Paso remarked, “We see firsthand the immediate expression of relief when we hand out the much-needed hygiene kits. For many, their stay in El Paso is only temporary so the hygiene kits give them a little more confidence as they travel to their destination.”

Paul de la Franceschi from CORE (El Paso) noted, “Thanks to Heart to Heart International for their generous donation and partnership!”

Continuing the Response

The DRT remains dedicated to attending regular coordination calls and providing internal updates. Given the evolving nature of the situation and the continuous influx of asylum seekers at various ports of entry, HHI is prepared to adapt and extend its support. As we continue to support asylum seekers and collaborate with dedicated partners, we remain grateful for the opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need.