Flu Vaccines with Hope Faith

Heart to Heart International has been providing medical care for vulnerable populations through a partnership with Hope Faith Homeless Assistance Campus since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

As we move toward winter, we are also heading into flu season. Experts warn that the overlap of the influenza season and the coronavirus pandemic could overwhelm the health care system if people don’t take the vaccine and the incidence of flu is high. 

That is one of the reasons HHI has been working with Hope Faith to get flu vaccines to our most vulnerable communities.

“We may have an increase from 50% to 100% of hospital admissions and ER visits. So with this vulnerable population, we really want to protect them,” Volunteer physician with Heart to Heart International Kathleen Stone said.

The two groups are bringing the flu vaccines to these communities with Hope Faith’s new “Hope Bus.” HHI’s medical team will travel with Hope Faith on the bus to various shelters across the metro.

Flu shot stops this week include City Union Mission, Restart Inc., Shelter KC, Hope Faith Assistance Campus and Morning Glory Ministries.

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