Help with Amazon Smile


Help people in need all year long with
Amazon Smile!

If you are planning to do any shopping online with Amazon, Amazon Smile is an easy way to donate to your favorite charity. Follow the steps below to start shopping through “Amazon Smile,” and Amazon will donate 0.5% of every purchase to the charity of your choice.

Remember, start your shopping with:

Step 1. Create Your Account

Step 2. Pick Your Charitable Organization

On the right side of the screen, you will see “Select a charity.”  Enter “Heart to Heart International” into the bottom search bar, then click Search.

Step 3. Select Heart to Heart International

Step 4. Confirm Understanding

You must shop through for a portion of your purchase to be donated to Heart to Heart International.  

Confirm by selecting the checkbox on the left. To finish, click on “Start Shopping.”

Step 5. You’re Done!

The only thing left to do is start shopping. Pick out your favorite holiday gifts, and Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase to Heart to Heart International.

Start Shopping Now